セシル・ラリ Cecile LALY



  • 国際文化学部 人文学科 日本文化専攻


フランスに生まれ。2002年に留学のため来日。2011年、パリ・ソルボンヌ大学美術史学院日本近代写真史専門分野博士課程修了。博士論文は雑誌『光画』(1932-33)について。卒業後フランス・中国・日本で働く。2014年、ケ・ブランリ博物館の研究員として和凧コレクションを調査し、和凧の研究を始める。現在研究テーマは和凧芸術と文化。SFEJ、EAJS、JAHF、IAJS 、JapArchi会員、Sciencescope副会長。
Born in France, she first came to Japan in 2002 as an exchange student. She holds a Ph.D. in art history from Paris-Sorbonne University and specialized in Japanese modern photography. Her thesis was an analysis of the review Kōga (1932-33). After graduating, she has worked in France, China, and Japan. Her current research theme is the art and culture of Japanese kites; she took an interest in it when she was working as a research fellow at the Musée du quai Branly in 2014. She is also a member of several Academic Societies (SFEJ, EAJS, JAHF, IAJS, JapArchi) and the current Vice President of Sciencescope.


What is art? What is the difference between art and craft? Is painting always art? Is photography art? Can kites be art?... As art and crafts are concepts defined by cultures and languages, there are, in fact, various answers to these questions. Let’s study what the role of art and crafts is in today’s globalized society.